

Enables adding interactive textboxes and arrows into the image display


1.       Open a hyperspectral imaging file through the Main interface: FileOpen dataset in IDCube format

2.       Click Edit → Annotations. Two options are available.

a.       Add Textbox

b.       Add Arrow.

These objects have preset feature designs and are different from the general use annotations that are available from the Annotation Toolbar.

3.       Select an option and it will be placed on the Image Display.

4.       The user can type text, move, or resize the annotations.

5.       Note: this tool automatically activates the Edit Plot. To disconnect the Edit Plot, click the icon or deactivate through Edit → Edit Plot or Ctrl+E.

6.       Annotations can be changed or deleted any time by activating Edit Plot mode.

7.       When the Edit Plot is activated, use Ctrl+Z to cancel the changes.

Use the Strip Toolbar in the upper right-hand corner of the image display to copy the image with the annotations.


Remove Bands


Edit Plot Mode