Manual Background Data Correction

This function is designed to assist users in interactively selecting a region of interest (ROI) within an image dataset, calculating the average spectrum within this ROI, and performing a manual baseline correction. The function then offers the user the option to apply the correction to the entire dataset.

Step 1. Start the function.

The function begins by opening a message box instructing you to select a rectangular region of interest (ROI) within the displayed image.

Step 2. Draw the ROI:

Use the mouse to draw a rectangle around the desired ROI. Double-click to finalize the selection. The function extracts the ROI from the image data and calculates the average spectrum within this ROI. The spectrum is averaged over the selected region to produce a single representative spectrum and presented in a new figure.

Step 3. Select Baseline Points

You will be prompted to click points on the plot to set the baseline. Press 'Enter' when done. These points are used to interpolate a baseline for the spectrum. The interpolated baseline is subtracted from the average spectrum, and the corrected spectrum is displayed in a second subplot.

Step 4: Apply Correction to Entire Dataset

A dialog box will ask if you want to apply the baseline correction to the entire dataset. If you choose "Yes," the function applies the baseline correction to the entire dataset, with a progress dialog showing the progress.

The completion is indicated by the message box.



PCA compression


LUT Generator