Flatfield Correction


Performs flat field correction on the entire dataset. This post-imaging procedure cancels the effects of image artifacts caused by variations in the detector or the light sources resulting in a more uniform (flatfield) output with more uniform color and brightness across the frame.


1.      Open a file.

2.     Select Data CorrectionsFlatfield correction. A pop-up dialogue window will ask to identify a reference spectrum.

3.     Click OK and draw an area that needs to be corrected. A valid ROI has these characteristics:

a.      Topographically flat

b.      Spectrally flat (uniform spectral response)

c.      Shows a strong signal source to reduce the impact of random noise           



Roberts, D. A., Yamaguchi, Y., and Lyon, R., "Comparison of various techniques for calibration of AIS data" in Proc. of the 2nd Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data Analysis Workshop, 1986, JPL Publication, 86-35, pp. 21-30.


Automatic Background Data Correction


Multiplicative Scatter Correction