

The Macros Editor is an interactive graphical user interface designed to help you create and execute custom sequences of commands for automatic data processing.


 Step 1. Open a hyperspectral file and click Macros → Macros Processing.

A new pop-up window Macros Editor will appear.


Upon launching the Macros Editor, you will find the main window divided into two sections:

- The left side displays Available Commands grouped by categories in a tree structure.

- The right side displays the Selected Commands that will be executed in order.

At the bottom, you will find several buttons for controlling and managing your command sequences.

Step 2. Using the Macros Editor. Selecting Commands

Navigate the command tree on the left by expanding the nodes to reveal the available commands. Click on a command to select it. For example, click Filtering and Enhancement and select Spatial Filter.

Step 3. Adding Commands to Sequence

Once you have selected a command, click the Add button located in the middle of the GUI to add it to your sequence. The selected command will appear in the Selected Commands list on the right side of the GUI.

There are three types of commands:

1.     Command that directly appear in the Selected Commands without any additional input from the user (i.e., flip horizontally)

2.     Command that requires an input from the user in the form of dialog box. For example when Spatial binning is selected, pressing the button Add will prompt the box asking to enter the bin number. After the input entered, the command will appear with the entered number in parenthesis.

3.     Command that requires an interactive input, such as Spatial Crop that will ask the user to draw an interactive region of interest on the Main Interface Image Display Panel. After the region of interest is drawn, the command will appear with the entered area coordinates in parenthesis

You can create any sequence of commands to tailor the processing to your specific needs.

Removing Commands from Sequence

To remove a command from your sequence, select it in the Selected Commands list and then click the Remove button. The command will be removed from your sequence but will remain available in the tree of commands on the left.

Moving Commands Up and Down

To move the command up or down the sequence list, select the command from the Selected Commands list and press Move Up or Move Down buttons.

Saving and Loading Sequences

You can save your current sequence of commands for later use by clicking the Save button. Conversely, you can load a previously saved sequence by clicking the Load button.

Clearing the Sequence

To clear all commands from your current sequence, click the Clear button.

Step 4. Running the Sequence

To execute your sequence of commands, click the Run button. All commands will be run in the order they appear in the Selected Commands list. After each step a message box stating that the command is complete will appear.

Copying the Sequence

To copy the list of your sequence of commands, click the Copy button and paste into as text format.

Getting Help

The  button in the upper right corner of the GUI will provide additional information about the Macros Editor and how to use it. 

Command Categories:

The Macros Editor organizes available commands into the same categories as the Main Interface:

- Open File: Commands for opening files in the IDCube format.

- Edit: Commands for editing data, such as flipping, rotating, cropping, etc.

- Filtering and Enhancement: Commands for applying different filters and data enhancement techniques.

- Contrast Enhancement: Commands for enhancing the contrast of your data.

- Data Correction: Commands for correcting your data.

- Reset: Commands for resetting the state of your data.

The current version of IDCubePro, the Macros Editor offers almost forty functions. More commands will be added in the future releases.



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