

  • Applies a normalization algorithm to the spectral axis of the dataset having all intensity values in the range between 0 and 1.

  • This operation is global and will be retained for all other functions and treatments.


Select Filtering and Enhancement Normalization  Normalization [0 1]. Visualize the normalized image. The colorbar values are between 0 and 1. This rescaled image can be returned to the original by using Filtering and Enhancement → Remove all Filters and Enhancements or Reset button.

Note: PAVIA is used as an example.


Applies a normalization algorithm to the spectral axis of the dataset having all intensity values in the range of the Z-score. Z-score describes the deviation from the mean in the number of standard deviations. The Z-score is positive when the sample is above the mean and negative when below.

This operation is global and will be retained for all other functions and treatments.


1.       Select Filtering and Enhancement Normalization Z-score Normalization 

2.       After completion, click OK and visualize the normalized image. The colorbar values are within the Z-score.

3.     This rescaled image can be returned to the original by using Filtering and Enhancement  Remove all Filters and Enhancements or Reset button.

Tip: Use histogram to visualize parts of the image with positive or negative Z score values.


Color Inversion


Contrast Enhancement