Spectral Cross-Correlation Map


  • Enables to draw a seed and cross-correlate with the rest of the image.

  • Identifies the area of the highest/lowest cross-correlation.

  • Quantifies the area correlated with the seed.


1.       Press the button Spectral Mathematics on the Main Interface under SPECTRAL ANALYSIS.

2.       Select Spectral Correlation Map from a dropdown menu.

3.       Select 1st spectrum.

4.       Draw a region of interest that can be used as a reference point (seed) and visualize the mean spectrum.

5.       Click Generate to open another window Spectral Correlation Map.

6.       Visualize and quantify a Spectral Cross-Correlation Map.

Higher cross-correlation corresponds to a closer match between the seed and each pixel in the image. Use a slider on the histogram to visualize the images with the highest or lowest correlation. The area of the matched cross-correlation (high cross-correlation) is shown in the title.

The Reset button can be used to revert the image to the original.

Additional Information:

The toolbox is based on a spectral cross-correlation algorithm that computes the p-values for Pearson's correlation using a Student's t distribution for a transformation of the correlation.

Values of the correlation coefficient can range from –1 to +1. A value of –1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, while a value of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation. A value of 0 indicates no correlation between the seed and the pixel.


Gibbons, J.D. Nonparametric Statistical Inference. 2nd ed. M. Dekker, 1985.

Hollander, M., and D.A. Wolfe. Nonparametric Statistical Methods. Wiley, 1973.


Spectral Angle


Spectral Information Divergence Map